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Oral cavity diseases, including teeth and periodontal issues, can be a cause of sinusitis. Conversely, sinus inflammation can become a source of dental diseases and complications. In many cases, our patients are directed to a laryngological consultation even before undergoing any procedures. Thanks to our interdisciplinary treatment approach and close collaboration among our doctors, patients often avoid the need for time-consuming visits to multiple specialists, as all necessary examinations are performed on-site at Luxdentica.


An otolaryngologist, also known as an ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT), specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases of the ear, nose, throat, larynx, sinuses, and other structures within the head and neck region - including oral cavity diseases related to dental treatment. To provide our patients with interdisciplinary, comprehensive care, Luxdentica clinics have a specialist otolaryngologist, Dr. Katarzyna Malec, at your disposal.

Laryngologist vs. Otolaryngologist

Laryngologist vs. Otolaryngologist

The answer lies in Greek. Otolaryngology: otos: "ear"; rhinos, rynos: "nose"; laryngos: "larynx".

For rather obvious reasons, colloquially the term "laryngologist" is commonly used.

Dentist and Otolaryngologist

Dental treatment often requires collaboration among doctors from different specialties. Given the interconnectedness of structures within the head and neck region, this collaboration involves not only dentists but also, quite frequently, otolaryngologists.

In many cases, our patients present with chronic headaches, ear ringing, infections, or sinusitis that, if left untreated or managed improperly, can impact their overall health condition, including the state of their oral cavity and teeth. Therefore, before choosing a clinic, it's worth checking whether their services encompass laryngological consultation.

Otolaryngology and Implant Treatment

At Luxdentica, implant treatment is always preceded by a patient's health assessment and comprehensive examinations. To qualify a patient for implantation, factors such as bone condition and quantity are assessed, computer tomography is performed, and particularly in cases of sinus issues, laryngological consultation is carried out. This consultation helps prevent potential complications in dental procedures later on.

While diseased sinuses don't disqualify a patient from receiving dental implants, they do require treatment and subsequent preparation before the actual procedure.

Sinusitis of the Maxillary Sinus

Symptoms that may be caused by teeth

  • pressing, intense headaches
  • pain in the upper teeth (especially molars)
  • sensitivity in the front part of the maxillary sinus area
Sinusitis of the Maxillary Sinus


Why is it worth starting treatment at Luxdentica?
Why is it worth starting treatment at Luxdentica?

See our expert

Katarzyna Malec
Specialist in Otolaryngology

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